
講者:孫松榮  Song-Yong SING
主持人:勞維俊 (國立陽明交通大學視覺文化研究所副教授)
地點:國立陽明交通大學(陽明校區) 知行樓 322 教室 




Through the Lens of Cultural Icons: Translocal Relations, Community Building, and Shared Experiences

⭐講者:Helena Wu (英屬哥倫比亞大學 香港研究與亞洲研究 助理教授)
⭐講題:Through the Lens of Cultural Icons: Translocal Relations, Community Building, and Shared Experiences
⭐主持人:勞維俊 (國立陽明交通大學視覺文化研究所副教授)
⭐時間:112年5月12日 (五) 上午10:00-11:50
※ 本場次為線上英文演講

A Seminar co-organized with the Hong Kong Studies Group
12 May 2023 (Friday 1000-1150 online) Conducted in English

Through the Lens of Cultural Icons: Translocal Relations, Community Building, and Shared Experiences

Helena Wu University of British Columbia  Helena.Wu@ubc.ca

How does a place or an object become a cultural icon? What do cultural icons tell us about our relationship with places and objects in the city? This talk will explore the thing agency and the place-making power of cultural icons by examining the (trans)formation and the cultural reverberation of selected icons from Hong Kong. In order to unfold interactions and intersectionalities in/as relations, the talk will trace the cultural trajectories embedded in the actor-network of thing, place and body in the textual and material worlds. As a whole, this will enable us to better understand the undermined and the underrepresented, human and nonhuman, and uncover the community building potential in shared cultural experiences.

Dr. Helena Wu is Canada Research Chair and Assistant Professor of Hong Kong Studies at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. She is also Convenor of the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative. She has written on the topics of Hong Kong cinema, culture, literature, media, and identity for journals and edited volumes such as Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies (2018), Chinese Martial Arts and Media Culture (2018), Hong Kong Keywords (2019), Global Media and China (2020), Journal of Chinese Cinemas (2020), Asian Cinema (2022), HKU Journal of Chinese Studies (2023), and Screen (forthcoming). She is the author of The Handover After the Handover: Places, Things and Cultural Icons in Hong Kong (Liverpool University Press, 2020), where she explores the cultural reverberations of local icons in colonial and post-handover Hong Kong

#MeToo in Transnational China after Harvey Weinstein

⭐講者:Gina Marchetti
(Chair, Department of Humanities and Media Studies Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York)
⭐講題:#MeToo in Transnational China after Harvey Weinstein
⭐主持人:勞維俊 (國立陽明交通大學視覺文化研究所副教授)


When the Harvey Weinstein allegations in October 2017 opened up the depth and breadth of sexual harassment in Hollywood, Weinstein’s associates in mainland China and Hong Kong came under scrutiny as well.  One of the first responses from the People’s Republic of China came in the form of an opinion piece published in the English-language edition of the government-run newspaper China Daily. Sava Hassan, an expat Egyptian-Canadian residing in mainland China, wrote “Weinstein Case Demonstrates Cultural Differences,” in which he argues that sexual harassment does not pose a problem in China because of the timidity of Chinese men and the prevailing conservative values of the society.  Although claiming the article only reflects his observations as a teacher in China, Hassan’s ignorance of the actual situation did not belie the fact that China Daily published a perspective that thoroughly disregarded the facts.  Internet response was immediate and China Daily expeditiously withdrew the piece; however, the Chinese press inadvertently added fuel to the growing transnational conflagration around the smoldering issue of sexual harassment and violence against women in the People’s Republic. 

The hashtag crossed the Chinese Internet firewall to circulate using the characters for “rice”/ 米 (mi) and rabbit 兔 (tu) to stand in for the English #MeToo and avoid censorship.  As these grievances span the worlds of entertainment, higher education, and beyond, the ways in which business, gender-based violence, and sexual politics form transnational links from China through Hong Kong to Hollywood makes Weinstein’s story global, and the movement continues to roil Chinese popular culture today.  This presentation updates scholarship on #MeToo in China to look at its impact on contemporary cinema and media culture including the case of Kris Wu and his transnational star presence spanning mainland China, Canada, and Korea. 

Presenter Bio

Gina Marchetti chairs the Department of Humanities and Media Studies at Pratt Institute.  She is the author of Romance and the “Yellow Peril”: Race, Sex and Discursive Strategies in Hollywood Fiction (University of California, 1993), From Tian’anmen to Times Square:  Transnational China and the Chinese Diaspora on Global Screens  (Philadelphia:  Temple University Press, 2006), The Chinese Diaspora on American Screens:  Race, Sex, and Cinema (Philadelphia:  Temple University Press, 2012), Andrew Lau and Alan Mak’s INFERNAL AFFAIRS—The Trilogy (Hong Kong:  Hong Kong University Press, 2007), and Citing China:  Politics, Postmodernism, and World Cinema (Hawai’i, 2018).
Visit the websites https://hkwomenfilmmakers.wordpress.com/
and https://chinesewomenfilmmakers.wordpress.com/ for more information about her research
on women filmmakers and transnational China. 

科學與Modern Chinese Foodways

講 題:科學與Modern Chinese Foodways

講 者:傅家倩 副研究員 (中央研究院近代史研究所)

主持人:嚴曉珮 助理教授 (國立陽明交通大學科技與社會研究所)

時 間:112年4月21日(五)下午1:00~3:00

地 點:國立陽明交通大學(陽明校區)知行樓2樓201教室

Applying the social shaping of technology framework in exploring humans’ interaction with socially assistive robots in eldercare facilities

講 題:Applying the social shaping of technology framework in exploring humans’ interaction with socially assistive robots in eldercare facilities

講 者:張婉鈴 助理教授 (國立成功大學工業設計學系)

主持人:彭松嶽 副教授 (國立陽明交通大學科技與社會研究所)

時 間:112年4月7日(五)下午1:00~3:00

地 點:國立陽明交通大學(陽明校區)知行樓2樓201教室