From Philosophy to Community-Based Research Coordination

Title: From Philosophy to Community-Based Research Coordination

Our next 2024 Spring Research Seminar talk is on April 19 (Fri) 15:15-17:05. Information about this talk:
Speaker: Katherine Cheng
Time & Place: April 19 (Fri) 15:15-17:05, ZhiXing Building Room 321, Yang Ming campus in Taipei City, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Online option:
Format: In English

What is it like to transition from a career in academic philosophy to working as a Community-Based Research Coordinator? How may a philosopher bring values to community-based research and thrive in an alternative academic (alt-ac) career? In this presentation, I share the thrills and challenges of my journey moving beyond academia to negotiate research activities between community and university. I suggest that philosophers can contribute to this emerging field by helping to conceptualize the social roles of research and the justice of knowledge production. Engaging with these issues can also help challenge philosophers to reflect on the ways in which research is typically conducted in academic philosophy and beyond.
For more seminar information: