心哲所春季講座:Thinking about and operating the network application

Our second 2024 Spring Research Seminar talk is on March 8 (Fri) 15:30-17:20. Information about this talk:

Speaker: Dr. Chu-Chien Hsieh https://rsd.ntcu.edu.tw/front/Intro/teacher/teacher1/member.php?ID=bnRjdV9yc2QmdGVhY2hlcjE=&PID=9
Time & Place: March 8 (Fri) 15:30-17:20, ZhiXing Building Room 321, Yang Ming campus in Taipei City, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Format: In English
Title: Thinking about and operating the network application
The concept of social network originated from sociology to test the inter-personal relationships by dyadic and triadic interactions among the engaging actors. The major network indicators include “degree centrality”, “betweenness centrality,” and “structural holes” to test who the centers, bridgers, and brokers are. The network concept can be applied to the topics of social studies which are related to mutual interactions, collaboration and partnerships. Hence, the definition for the research questions in the network domain need to concrete and to confirm the relationships existing in the real world by archival recoding and questionnaire survey. The practical cases I have examined are below: 1. To analyze the different stages of theoretical transfer through the reference (author) citations; 2. Actors’ collaboration in different policy networks: cross-sector collaboration, policy-learning, resource collaboration.
(Additional note: Network analysis has become a popular research method in diverse fields; some invited speakers at our institute from previous semesters also utilized the network method for philosophical inquiry. Dr. Hsieh has kindly agreed to bring his network analysis software that day for a short demonstration at the end of his talk. He will explain its reasoning and mechanics to showcase this currently trending research method.)

For more seminar information: