
Wen-Ji Wang 王文基

CV and List of Publications
Distinguished Professor, Institute of Science, Technology and Society, National Yang Ming Chaio Tung University Dean,
College of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Yang Ming Chaio Tung

National Tsing Hua University (Foreign Languages and Literature), BA
National Tsing Hua University (Literature), MA
University of Cambridge (History and Philosophy of Science), MPhil
University of Cambridge (History and Philosophy of Science), PhD

Professional Service
Member, International Editorial Board, Korean Journal of Medical History
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, History of Psychiatry

Research Interests
History of psychiatry;History of Science and medicine; science studies


Journal Articles/ 期 刊論文

Wen-Ji Wang, ‘Managing Chineseness: Neurasthenia and Psychiatry in Taiwan in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century,’ History of Psychiatry 33.3 (2022): 263-278.

Akihito Suzuki and Wen-Ji Wang, ‘Introduction: Madness and Psychiatry in East Asian Countries in the Modern Period,’ History of Psychiatry 33.3 (2022):259- 262.

Wen-Ji Wang, ‘“Hotbeds of Psychopathology”: Sciences and the Critique of the Family in Republican China,’ East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 16.3 (2022): 387-407.

Wen-Ji Wang, ‘From Nervelessness to Nervousness: Images of Chinese Mental and Nervous Illnesses in Western Medical Discourse, 1840s 1930s.’ Yonsei Journal of Medical History 23.1 (2020): 37-64.

Wen-Ji Wang, ‘An International Teamwork: Mental Hygiene in Shanghai in the 1930s and 1940s ..’ History of Psychology 22.4 (2019): 289-308.

Wen-Ji Wang, Neurasthenia, Psy Sciences, and the Great Leap Forward ” in Maoist China.’ History of Psychiatry , 30.4 (2019): 443-456.

王文基,〈跨界的心理科學史研究〉《蘇州大學學報 教育科學版 》 6.2 (2018):

Harry Yi-Jui Wu and Wen-Ji Wang, Making and Mapping Psy Sciences in East and Southeast Asia ..’ East Asian Science, Technology and Society 10.2 (2016): 109- 120.

Wen-Ji Wang, Neurasthenia and the Rise of Psy Disciplines in Republican China East Asian Science, Technology and Society 10.2 (2016): 141 160.

王文基〈心理的「下層工作」: 《西風》與 1930 1940 年代大眾心理衛生論述〉 . 《科技,醫療與社會》 13 (2011): 15-88.

《新史學》20.1 (2009): 61-123. 09.

Wen-Ji Wang,”” Laying out a Model Village ””: George Gushue Taylor and Missionary Leprosy Work in Colonial Taiwan. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal 1.1 (2007): 111-133. 08.

王文基,〈書寫精神醫學史的方法:羅伊波特的瘋狂史〉﹐《新史學》 17.3(2006):121-143. 07.

17.1 (2006):91-142. 06.

Wen-Ji Wang, ‘Laying out a Model Village: George Gushue Taylor and Missionary Leprosy Work in Colonial Taiwan.’ Wellcome History 29 (2005):
4-5. 05.

12 (2005): 69-80. 04.

Wen-Ji Wang, Bildung or the Formation of the Psychoanalyst ..’ Psychoanalysis and History 5.2 (2003): 91-118. 03.

9 (2003):115-124. 02.

Books and Book Chapters

Wen-Ji Wang, ‘Psychiatry in Republican China,’ in Mental Health in China and the Chinese Diaspora: Historical and Cultural Perspectives , edi ted by Harry Minas. Cham, Switzerland, 2021, pp. 27-39.

Wen-Ji Wang Hsuan Ying Huang, ‘Mental Health,’ in The Making of Human
Sciences in China: Historical and Conceptual Foundations, edited by Howard Chiang. Leiden: Brill, 2019, pp.460 488.

王文基、巫毓荃編,《精神科學與近代東亞》。台北:聯經,2018 。

學與近代東亞》。台北:聯經, 2018 ,頁 15-58 。

王文基,〈民國時期的神經衰弱與精神科學的興起〉,載於王文基、巫毓荃編,《精神科學與近代東亞》。台北:聯經, 2018 ,頁 151 184 。

人 士》。上海:上海交通大學出版社, 2017 ,頁 42 56 。

2017 。

民,性別與現代性》。台北:聯經, 2017 ,頁 77 98 。


Wen-Ji Wang, ‘Tropical Neurasthenia or Oriental Nerves? White Breakdown in China,’in Psychiatry and Chinese History , edited by Howard Chiang. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2014, pp.111-128.

國際漢學會議論文集:衛生與醫療》,台北:中央研究院, 2013 ,頁 65-99.

王文基,〈預防、適應與改造:民國時期的心理衛生〉,祝平一編,《健康與社會:華人衛生新史》,台北:聯經, 2013 ,頁 237-257.

王文基、王秀雲、郭文華編,《意外多重奏:STS 如何重組真相》。台北:行人出版社, 2012.

療》,台北:聯經出版社﹐ 2011 ,頁 433-451.

王文基,〈「當下為人之大任」:戴秉衡的俗人精神分析〉,李尚仁編,《帝國與現代醫學》,台北:聯經出版社﹐ 2008 ,頁 455 483.

Others / 其他

部 2000 年人類精神生活全史》。台北:貓頭鷹出版, 2018 頁 10-14 。

〈 精神 醫學 與自我 〉,載 芭芭拉‧泰勒 ,《 精神病院 裡 的 歷史學家:我經
歷 的 瘋狂歲月 ,以及時代如何安置 我們的瘋狂 》。台北: 木馬 。2017

君譯,台北:行人出版社﹐ 2006 ,頁 xvii-xxxv.

王文基,〈生活方式的移植:戴仁壽、癩病防治與醫療宣教〉,《臺灣醫療四百年》,台北:經典雜誌 ﹐ 2006 ,頁 84-89.

版社 ﹐ 2004 ,頁 4-11.

王文基,〈導讀〉,艾倫伯格,《發現無意識:動力精神醫學的歷史與演進》,劉絮愷等譯, 台北,遠流出版社﹐ 2004 ,頁 1 16.

王文基,〈一所療養院的傳記:閱讀The Gracefully Insane 〉,艾歷克斯‧賓恩,《雅緻的精神病院》,陳芙揚譯﹐ 台北,麥田出版社﹐ 2003 ,頁 17 23.