5月5 陽明日



展名: 場所記憶:新媒體藝術展
The Place of Memory and the Memory of Place: New Media Art Exhibition

展期: 4月25日~5月30日 每天09:00-17:00

地點: 知行樓一樓藝空間

藝術家|陳永賢 李鍵 潘勁 謝元
Artists|Yung-Hsien Chen, Kin Li, Jin Pan, Yuan Hsieh

開幕表演 Opening Performance
新媒體音像表演 Audio – Visual Live Performance
藝術家|何恭譱 林雅暄 Artists|Kung Shan Ho, Ya Hsuan Lin

主辦|人文與社會科學院 知行藝空間
連絡人:徐先生 #65299
國立陽明交通大學 人文與社會科學院 知行藝空間


《虛實迷宮》邀集 4 位新媒體藝術家展出新作,作品運用 3D 掃描、程式運算、虛擬實境、錄像、聲響及動力裝置等媒材,展覽充滿實驗精神的藝術表現。


Crowdsourcing Platforms and Survey Experiments

We have a Research Seminar Course lecture with an invited speaker on Friday 26.
For those of you not in the seminar course but interested in joining, please follow the information below:
Speaker: Dr. Yi-Hao Su (https://politics.ntu.edu.tw/english/?p=12482)
Time & Place: April 26 (Fri) 15:30-17:20, ZhiXing Building Room 321, Yang Ming campus in Taipei City, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Online option: https://meet.google.com/gsj-ydeg-jft
Format: In English
Title: Crowdsourcing Platforms and Survey Experiments
Web-based surveys using crowdsourcing platforms are burgeoning in the study of public opinions. This talk explores: (1) How do researchers prepare research design and collect data on these crowdsourcing platforms? (2) What are the advantages and shortcomings of conducting survey experiments with crowdsourcing tools?
This topic may be of interest to researchers studying mind and cognition, as survey experiments could also be utilized to obtain information on people’s attitudes and collective memory.
For more seminar information: https://forms.gle/bggagJWPLUT2K7W89

Lung Kong’s The Call Girls: Clashes with the censors amid a decade of “fists and pillows”

Title: Lung Kong’s The Call Girls: Clashes with the Hong Kong censors amid a
decade of “fists and pillows”

Date: 22 April 2024 (Monday)
Time: 1000-1200
Venue: Room 322, Zhi Xing Building Yang Ming Campus, NYCU
Online: http://meet.google.com/oim-hypr-kbv

Speaker: Dr. Tom Cunliffe (Lecturer in Film Studies, University College London)
Moderator: Dr. Klavier Wong (Assistant Professor, Institute of Visual Studies,
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)

In December 1972, newspapers in Hong Kong reported that The Board of Film
Censors had banned Lung Kong’s latest film The Call Girls (1973). Lung’s film is
often grouped together as part of a wave of Hong Kong soft-core sex/erotic films in
the early-mid 1970s, but it also questions the illegalization and stigmatisation of sex
work. To demonstrate how Lung’s film and authorship clashed with the censors in
relation to how contemporary Hong Kong society was depicted, this talk will situate
Lung’s film within the industrial and historical context it emerged in. Within the
commercial norms that favoured sex and violence in imported and local films in the
early 1970s, the sex and violence in The Call Girls is not explicit or extreme, and far
less so than many of the locally produced Hong Kong or foreign films released in
Hong Kong around this time. It is more the way the film depicts contemporary Hong
Kong that the censors found problematic. The complex reasons for why it was banned
relates to how the censors wanted specific images of Hong Kong on-screen that did
not match up to the lived reality; the censors charged Lung’s film with smearing the
image of Hong Kong and painting a great part of it as “a sink of iniquity”. It was the
Board of Appeal that took a different approach since they argued that it was because
the film attempted social comment that it should be released. This talk will explore
the censors’ reasons for initially banning the film and also at how the ban being
overturned after appeal and the release of The Call Girls after only several cuts was

one of several key precedents that marked a shift in how cinema could represent Hong
Kong society in the 1970s.

Tom Cunliffe is a lecturer in Film Studies at University College London. His essays
have appeared in journals including Film History, Framework, Journal of Chinese
Cinemas, and Screen. He is currently working on a book about the filmmaker Lung
Kong and Hong Kong film history between the 1960s and 1970s.

From Philosophy to Community-Based Research Coordination

Title: From Philosophy to Community-Based Research Coordination

Our next 2024 Spring Research Seminar talk is on April 19 (Fri) 15:15-17:05. Information about this talk:
Speaker: Katherine Cheng
Time & Place: April 19 (Fri) 15:15-17:05, ZhiXing Building Room 321, Yang Ming campus in Taipei City, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Online option: https://meet.google.com/ufx-wpsf-dnk
Format: In English

What is it like to transition from a career in academic philosophy to working as a Community-Based Research Coordinator? How may a philosopher bring values to community-based research and thrive in an alternative academic (alt-ac) career? In this presentation, I share the thrills and challenges of my journey moving beyond academia to negotiate research activities between community and university. I suggest that philosophers can contribute to this emerging field by helping to conceptualize the social roles of research and the justice of knowledge production. Engaging with these issues can also help challenge philosophers to reflect on the ways in which research is typically conducted in academic philosophy and beyond.
For more seminar information: https://forms.gle/bggagJWPLUT2K7W89